Career and Major Exploration

Our career counselors can assist you in-person, or remotely for all your career needs. If you are exploring what you can do with a major, potential career options, 或者你正在进行职业转型, take the time to consider your possibilities. Finding the career that best suits you involves making the best informed decisions about yourself and what opportunities are around you. We can help!

We use STARFISH to schedule in-person or virtual career counseling appointments for current students. Alumni, please call the Career Development office at 508-626-4615 to schedule an appointment.

Click on “Schedule Appointment” link at bottom of service Please indicate if you would like an in-person or virtual appointment.

If you need further assistance call us at 508-626-4615


Knowing and understanding your specific and unique values, interests, personality, and skills (VIPS) is the first step in finding your ultimate career path. 

  • Values—what is important to you in your lifestyle?
  • 兴趣——你喜欢做什么?
  • Personality—what kind of environment do you want to be in?
  • Skills—what are you good at?

Come speak with a career counselor to discuss these categories or you can explore them independently using the following tools. Be sure to make an appointment with a career counselor after you have completed the independent work to discuss your results.


This self-paced, interactive technology can help you match your strong skills, aptitudes, values, interests and goals with potential occupations. Be sure to use the one-time access ID code is rams when you are first registering for an account. 

This self-paced, interactive technology that can help you match your individual skills, aptitudes, values, interests and goals with potential occupations. 试试“我准备好了吗??” based on the NACE职业准备能力 to ensure that you are focusing on the skills that employers say are important for students and graduates to have in the world of work. 同样,访问ID代码是 rams.

Knacks breakthrough technology uncovers your talents and potential career paths and reveals the strengths that make you stand out—all from the way you play games.  Students play for free and get their results (knacks) immediately after gameplay.  Knack matches employers with the right students by identifying uniquely qualified candidates through their knacks.  Employers are using Knack in their recruiting today, so students already on Knack have a head start.  Within the Knack app, students can browse and apply to job postings not available elsewhere. 


Once you have gone through some self-reflection it is time to determine what career suits you. While we encourage you to schedule an appointment and meet with one of our career counselors to help you through this process, 有很多方法来研究工作, 自己的职业和行业.

O*NET: An incredible resource showing career titles, descriptions, education requirements, potential salaries and related occupations.

MassCIS: A free resource which combines occupations, labor market, and education information to help you explore potential careers. 不需要用户名和密码. Simply enter Framingham for the city and 01701 for the zip code and press sign in.

Networking: One of the most effective ways to find a job is through networking. You often can hear about job openings through networking contacts even before the job is advertised. Your network begins with friends, extended family, and co-workers and grows from there. Whether you are a college student or a working professional, you will benefit from establishing professional contacts in the industry or career path you plan to pursue.

Informational Interviewing: A very helpful networking tool to build strong professional contacts and explore career options. Unlike a traditional interview in which you're seeking a job or internship, the goal of informational interviewing is just that--to gather information. 事先想好要问的问题. For example: (1) How did they end up in their career (2) What is most rewarding or challenging about the field? (3) Does this person have some suggestions on how to get started? You're not asking for a job--you're getting advice. 

LinkedIn: a social media site, “is the world’s largest professional network with over 300 million members in 200 countries and territories around the globe.” College students can begin to build an online professional presence by including brief descriptions of previous work, volunteer experience, leadership activities, completed college courses and relevant skills. Use LinkedIn to research specific organizations and discover new professional contacts in the field you plan to enter following graduation. You have many options to join specific LinkedIn groups related to your college and professional associations.

Professional associations and affiliations: Identify resources offered by specific industries through their professional associations and groups. These can be identified and researched on-line. Our career counselors are available to help you with this.

Career Fairs and Networking Events: Attend in-person and virtual events offered through the Career Development office. Speak with employers and ask questions with individuals who are here specifically to meet you.

What Can I Do With a Major In...? The University of North Carolina Wilmington has a helpful resource about exploring majors and careers.


As a student at Framingham State University, you can 注册一个奋斗导师 for FREE. Strive On provides mentoring to any student with financial need or who is the first in their family to attend college.


• Renew your Free Application for Federal Student Aid

• Find other financial aid to ensure you can stay in college

• Assess your skills and strengths to identify career options

• Develop a strategy to help reach your college and career goals

• And more! Strive On is a completely virtual model, so you can connect with your mentor from anywhere at any time. Sign up for Strive On today and receive free, one-to-one mentoring with a mentor you choose!

If you would like to be paired with a local virtual mentor who will assist you in mock interviews or virtual mentorship please fill out a request through this Ramlink form.

You will be contacted with further information and paired with an alumni or employer partner mentor.