
Requirements for the Commonwealth 荣誉项目

Participants in the Framingham State University 荣誉项目 must complete a minimum of six (6) course credits bearing the honors designation, including a RAMS First-Year Seminar with an Honors designation (HNRS) and the honors capstone course HNRS 480 荣誉项目 Thesis/Project. All students must complete a minimum of three (3) courses with the honors designation at Framingham State University, including HNRS 480 荣誉项目 Thesis/Project. 

As a condition of continued enrollment in the 荣誉项目, a freshman or sophomore must maintain a GPA of no less than 3.00 overall; a junior or senior must maintain a GPA of 3.20或以上. In addition, a student must earn a minimum grade of B (3.00) in each honors course (including the thesis) in order to count toward the program requirements. 学生 may not go more than one semester without taking an Honors course prior to the completion of first-year and program elective requirements, but may wait to take HNRS 480 荣誉项目 Thesis/Project without penalty.


Most honors courses are specially designed sections of regular 100 and 200 level general education courses that also may be applied toward general education requirements. 然而, 学生 may choose to substitute one (1) upper-division course in their major program of study (300- or 400-level) for one of the elective Honors courses by submitting an honors contract in which the student and instructor devise or enhance a project within the course emphasizing advanced, independent research on a particular subject.

The form below can be used for this substitution.

